Saturday, 1 March 2014

April Burda Jumpsuit! So loving this, I'm shunting aside other projects.

The April preview for Burda is up and I'm not 'in lurve' so far, except for this item.  I know DD wanted a jumpsuit.  Daughter wants one too. Who woulda thunk I'd be in love with a jumpsuit at my age?She vetoed all the other Burda designs but she may be okay with this one, she says, in marine or grey. I think the best thing is to make one in black for myself, (just for practice, hah, hah.) 

The issue only comes out in about two weeks here in MittelEuropa. It's rare for me to plan ahead, without so much as the metrage/yardage, but I think this is very soignee, n'est-ce pas? More motivation to get my stupid patchwork duvet done and dusted. 

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