Friday, 20 July 2012

Burda's Lanvin look-alike for autumn and AWARDS!

By the way, I've now been given two blogger awards and stunned, staggered and sheepish, done nothing about passing them on. The beautiful Marie in the Cave gave me the Versatile Blogger Award (maybe out of sheer loyalty to another Swiss blogger? I can't see how I deserve it,) and some time ago, beloved and talented CyberDaze (yeah, okay, beautiful, too!) gave me an award for bloggers who don't get enough attention. Now I'm sure I deserve that one! 

Anyway, this neglect I will remedy soon, passing on these awards to people who actually merit them, once I return from my Week on the Movie Mogul's Yacht. Yes, friends, (and I will share
 photos,) because among the many things I don't believe is that by hook or by ambulance, husband and I will be floating around Split next week with the kindest friends in the world. sewing!
The new Burda offers us a bright yellow two-piece peplum dress for autumn in its August issue.  I must say, I've never thought of neon yellow as an autumn color, and the closest thing I can think of to a seasonal version would be saffron or ochre. But you can see the potential, especially if you're one of my zillions of readers over seventy, French, ferocious and elegant. The Lanvin team has decided this season to showcase their clothes on "real people" and I'm not sure their model below looks very pleased about it. Look at that expression! What is she saying? "I will not, repeat not, wear those shoes!"In fact. I'm not sure she looks any more real than the usual clotheshorses out of Paris, (and I'm sure she packs a collapsible whip and handcuffs in that handbag) but you gotta love the autumnal teal color, the commitment to the peplum on this version and the (to die for) matching teal-dyed fox.
Sorry about that, Mr. Fox.


  1. Congratulations on the awards. I'm sure you deserve them.

    Love the yellow dress and am very jealous you have managed to get hold of your August burda. I've been down to the newsagents three times (actually twice the third time I sent my partner as I was embarrassed to be so obviously stalking them) to see if it's arrived but so far haven't managed to get hold of a copy.

  2. I agree, bright yellow is an odd colour for Autumn, but maybe it's meant for the last bits of summer?
    Looking forward to seeing your yachting pictures. You do move in some exciting circles!

  3. Wow imagine looking like that at 70!
